Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church
Moments of intense spiritual insight can come to us when we devote ourselves the careful study of Scripture. God is not distant or remote from us, but imparts wisdom and grace if we are willing to open our hearts to Him. My prayer is that you might also take some time to listen to the Voice of the One who is always calling your name....
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“Christianity is a Person in expression, a Person in revelation, a Person in impact. It is Christ Himself in His church, His Body, making Himself and His presence known. If Christianity is the making real of Christ as the Way and so embodying all that Christ is and has done to bring to the Father, then Christianity must take up into itself those things which were true of Christ, making Him the Way.” 

T. Austin-Sparks
These transcribed notes were taken by my wife Lori during our visit with a Chinese brother in Los Angeles who endured 21 years in a Communist prison camp as political prisoner for his faith in Christ. 

Notes taken from our meeting with Joshua Wu:

Preparation and Warning to the Church 
Regarding the Coming Persecution Here in America!
Dear Friends,
I pray that this Christ exalting ministry will be a great blessing to you
and your growing into the image of Christ. I know of no other brother 
who has been of more spiritual help to me than Mr. Sparks.
Doug Riggs, Pastor 
"T. Austin-Sparks was one of the greatest spiritual figures of the twentieth century. Perhaps no one in the last one hundred years gave us ministry that is so Christ-centered. When the measure of a man's ministry is taken as to how much he exalted Christ, then T. Austin-Sparks is without peer.
Sparks wrote over one hundred books. The golden chord, which ran through all these works, was the exaltation of his Lord. He has given us more spiritual insight into Christ then perhaps any other man of the last 1700 years . . .

Sparks' writing speak little of the Christ of Galilee-rather he has given us the resurrected and enthroned Lord. He has gone even farther than this, to show us the insuperable Christ who dwells within us. This presentation of his Lord would be enough to make Sparks' ministry unique, but Sparks went on to join head to body (Christ and the church). As surely as his spoken and written ministry exalted the Lord, so also Sparks called forth the almost forgotten centrality of the church. For T. Austin-Sparks, the two were inseparable. Nor did he speak of the church that most men have known and experienced."

Gene Edwards (Author)

T. Austin-Sparks was also the spiritual father and long time respected mentor of Watchman Nee of China.
Hope for the last days:
Link to: The Character Of The Kingdom #3 - Summary
Lance Lambert shares three more characteristics of the kingdom that mirror the character of the King: love, compassion and humility.

Link to: Follow-up assembly discussion
δούλος = bond-slave Study notes and commentary compiled by Lori Riggs
This is considered to be the standard textbook of the original Keswick teaching, Hopkins being one of the founding fathers of the movement. It is the prototype of all Keswick writings, and naturally very clear on the truths of identification.
Book description:
What if you could find the key that would deliver you from the feeling of failure in the face of the overwhelming stream of the law of sin? This secret key, longed for by believers everywhere, is contained in the pages of Scripture and revealed here in this book. Too many Christians think that asking, "What would Jesus do?" is all that is involved. Not so, says the author. We must move past the mere imitation of Christ to a participation in Him --- His suffering, His resurrection, and His victory.
The Coming Persecution of Christians II
Link to article by Paul McGuire
“The 70th week of Daniel” 
Israel and other related eschatological biblical topics
2 Thessalonians 2:13
A Rapture Passage? Dr. George Gunn
 (Shasta Bible College, Redding, CA)
pre-tribulation rapture point of view.
The Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus
by Charles J.B. Harrison
First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazine 1955
The Cross And Spiritual Service  by T. Madoc Jeffreys (pdf file)
First published: October edition of the 1928 "A Witness and A Testimony"
Link to URL source for reference
Link to Articles from the 
Pre-Trib Research Center
Spiritual Authority by Watchman Nee (pdf file)
The Mysterious Matter of Mind
by Arthur C. Custance
Welcome Visitors !!!
The Historical Account of the Revelation of the Mystery:
The gradual unveiling of the church in the book of Acts
Description: I wrote this article in 1996 at the request a Christian Ministry in Germany. They requested that I write an article exposing the fraudulent nature of Oral Roberts and His 'ministry'. Those who have heard the testimony from SRA/DID survivors with whom I have worked have reported being involved in many rituals at ORU with the founder and his son.
Link to: Deception and the End-Times (pdf)
by Doug Riggs (1996)
Ellerslie Leadership Training & Christian Discipleship

The Christian story is that God never entered more deeply into the depths of human life in order to overcome sin than in the cross, in the person of His own Son. He has never gone further on His voyage of identification with His world. But the uniqueness of His journey in the cross does not deny His journey of experience elsewhere. So we catch just a glimpse of what it might mean for all His servants through the ages to allow their suffering to "serve the pain of God," as they travel with Him on His pilgrimage of love.
The Cross: Jesus in China (Chinese Revival Story)
Parts 1-4: This documentary portrays the little known history of a remarkable people; 
it is the turbulent 50 year history of Chinese Christians on screen!
Tripartite Man

Link to website

The purpose of this Web site is to unveil the nature of man as a being composed of three parts and to explain how vital each of these three parts is to the fulfillment of God's purpose.
by Lewis Sperry Chafer

Link to website

"...the divine purpose is that the servant of Christ shall be fully equipped to 'preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.'"
Link to Website publication
J. Hampton Keathley III, Th.M., a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former pastor of 28 years. He wrote many articles for the Biblical Studies Foundation and on occasion taught New Testament Greek at Moody Bible Institute, Northwest Extension for External Studies, in Spokane, Washington.

These articles are helpful in explaining further the difference between "The Rapture"
and "The Day of the Lord".

(Links to books)
by John Walvoord
John F. Walvoord, long-time president of Dallas Theological Seminary - considered perhaps the world's foremost interpreter of biblical prophecy
Link to:
An Overview of Pre-Tribulational Arguments
by Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Major Ian Thomas (1914 - 2007)
Biography (link)           Sermon Index (link)

Link to pdf The Mystery of Godliness------------>
Scriptural Evidence for the Multiple Incursion Position and Interpretation of Genesis 6:4

This same phenomenon - a final, last-days incursion of fallen angels producing first generation hybrids is occurring today - just as Jesus prophesied ... the final preceding sign before the return or Jesus Christ!

Nik and Ruth Ripken are veteran overseas workers for 30 years. Since 1991 they have labored
in countries which are predominantly defined by persecution toward those
coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
Paul David Washer is the
Founder/Director &
Missions Coordinator of
HeartCry Missionary Society
which supports indigenous
missionary work.

Link to PDF file:
Description of The Glory of God
Series of Messages
Link to The Glory of God Series
A Review of
Lewis Sperry Chafer's
"Systematic Theology"
Link to Article
 by John F. Walvoord
By L.S. Chafer
Written in 1909 - Link to book
The Authority of the Believer
J.A. MacMillan
Link to Book
The Authority of the Intercessor
J.A. MacMillan
Link to Book
Jesus Christ The Bright and Morning Star
A brief message from
Maj. Ian Thomas: Christ IN You,
the Hope of Glory
The Development and Significance of the Remnant in the Old Testament Prophets
by Lionel Windsor (2003) - pdf-document to read / download

Strombeck's book represents the best foundational biblical teaching to ground believers in the faith once and for all handed down to the saints. Jude 3
Satanology and Demonology
by James F. Myers
(link to article)

Shall Never Perish   by J. F. Strombeck (pdf-file)

by Lewis Sperry Chafer
The Prophecies of Daniel
by Louis T. Talbot
God's Plan for the Ages
by Louis T. Talbot
by Lewis Sperry Chafer
Enjoy these links!
The Pursuit of God
by A.W. Tozer
(PDF File)
The Sin of Silence
Eric Ludy Sermon (May 17th, 2015)
In WWII, there were two distinct churches within Germany, the Church that went silent and the Praying Confessing Church. Interestingly, these are the same two churches within every generation. In the height of persecution will we go silent or stand boldly? Using WWII as the backdrop for this sermon, Pastor Eric Ludy commissions the Church to not be silent but rather do something. Our modern age is aggressively becoming anti-Christian and every believer must make a choice of where to stand. Will you grow silent and sign upon the dotted line of the culture or will you stand for truth, becoming a part of the Praying Confessing Church?.
An Overview of Pretribulational Arguments
Link to Article by Mark Hitchcock
An excellent overview by Mark Hitchcock of what is more accurately defined and revealed in 1 & 2 Thess. as “The Pre-Day of the Lord” view of the translation or rapture 
of the Church

Dear Friends, This timely message was written by my dear brother and friend Phil Beach who was promoted to glory in 2008. I had the unspeakable privilege of spending 29 days in China with Phil in 2007 ministering to hundreds of house church leaders there in seven provinces. Phil had an amazing in depth experiential understanding of the Lord and His eternal purpose through the practical daily in-working of the cross! His writings clearly evidence that Phil was a broken vessel "fit for the Master's use"!

Blessings, Doug Riggs, Pastor

This careful and methodical study should reveal to an unbiased and objective person that the creation of the angels, the rebellion of Lucifer and his immediate consequent judgment, happened long before the six day activity of God in rejuvenating the earth for man's habitation.
This study should demonstrate very conclusively, to an unbiased and objective mind, that the words of verse two and the whole setting of verse two is indeed to be understood as indicative of a cataclysmic judgment having occurred. This fact was recognized by certain prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures, by the very definition of the Hebrew words used, by the apostle Paul and also by certain early Hebrew and Christian interpreters.
Link to Web Portal
Dispensational Truth or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages
By Clarence Larkin
Here is a link to a resource ESSENTIAL to understanding the purpose and plan of God for the Body of Christ in this dispensation
Ironside was one of the most prolific
Christian writers of the 20th Century
and published more than eighty books
and pamphlets, a number of which are
still in print. He also wrote the popular hymn Overshadowed. One editorial reviewer wrote of a 2005 republication that, "Ironside's commentaries are a standard and have stood the test of time."

Transcriptions of Messages by Doug now available in print format - FREE
By Jack W. Langford

This study will demonstrate that an unbiased and objective consideration of the text and context of the first chapter of Genesis, taken literally, proves very conclusively that the original creation of the universe, as described in the first verse of the Bible, is to be distinguished from the specified "SIX days" of fashioning, forming and making the world in preparation for man's habitation. At the outset I will offer the following "SIX" positive observations as conclusive proof of this statement.
SECTION TWO  An Examination of the 2nd Verse of Genesis 1 - Answering the question:
Are the words of the second verse merely descriptive of how God originally created
the Earth?
- or-
Are the words of the second verse indicative of a judgment?"

SECTION THREE    "LUCIFER, Son of the Dawn"
A Study on EZEKIEL 28:11-19 and ISAIAH 14:12-17
Answering the questions:
Were Lucifer and the angelic world created sometime during the six days? And did Lucifer rebel and fall sometime during, or shortly after that same period?
Were the angels created before the earth? And was Lucifer doing business on a pristine earth before his rebellion and fall? And did his fall bring a judgment upon the earth?"

Husbands, Love! - God's Purpose for Marriage & Family

an audio message by Jack Taylor
Link to more: Jack Taylor
Compiled by Doug & Lori, this is a collection of
recommended reading for spiritual nourishment and encouragement.
The Covenant of Marriage - Truth That Can Transform Your Marriage
Updated February 4, 2015 (outstanding!! D.R.)
Excerpt: THE PERFECT TENSE: TETELESTAI is in the perfect tense which describes a PAST completed act with PRESENT effect, emphasizing that the past completed event of Christ's death on the Cross has ongoing, even permanent effects. Jesus' sacrifice may have occurred in time and space, but its results will last for eternity! In other words, when Jesus declared "IT IS FINISHED", He was saying that His mission to redeem sinners had reached its intended goal and that the benefits to the redeemed would last throughout eternity. Erwin Lutzer adds that "This means that my sins are on Jesus, not on me. Yes, there is sin within me but not on me. My sinful nature keeps luring me toward sin, and even in my best moments my works are tainted with selfish motives. But legally, I am accepted on the basis of the merit of Jesus. Figuratively speaking, I have a new set of clothes and a clear record in heaven. The righteousness of Jesus has been (forever) credited to my account." All that truth in one Greek tense! Beloved, our Redeemer's ransom payment is sufficient for this life and the life to come! May God enable us by His Spirit, to live victoriously in light of the truth of this "Word of the Cross" (especially the great word "tetelestai") which is the "power of God" to us "who are being saved (daily by the Spirit)" (1Cor 1:18). Link to Preceptaustin website. John 19:30
IN CHRIST -or- The Believer's Union With His Lord     by A.J. Gordon (PDF File)
Dear Saints,
In view of the recent Supreme Court's decision to sanction same-sex marriage
on June 26th, this message by Pastor Eric Ludy challenges which church we, as Bible believing Christians, are identified with in America: the confessing church or the silent majority? With meticulous precision Pastor Ludy compares the church in America with the 97% of Protestant Christians in Germany who remained silent as Hitler implemented his agenda to exterminate the Jews. The fact that this message was presented less than five weeks before the Supreme Court's decision is truly prophetic for such a time as this. -(Esther 4:14)
Blessings in Christ, Doug Riggs

Eric Ludy (Links to Vimeo videos)

"I'm With Him"  -  When I am Weak

Going After Revival

Also available to download: "I'm With Him"

When I am Weak   -   Going After Revival

NOTICE: We do not necessarily endorse the entirety of any ministry or individual
we link to, but believe what we refer you to is of significant spiritual value
Paul Washer addresses the coming persecution of the church here in the west. he clearly lays out what to expect and how we need to navigate through the troubling times ahead. This 1 1/2 hour audio message is not optional. It is so timely for the day in which we live.

Link to: Online Books 
by F. B. Meyer  (free)
SECTION ONE      An Examination of the first chapter of Genesis - Answering the question: Is the initial creation of the heavens and earth, as described in Genesis 1:1  In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth to be identified as part of the six day activity of God as described in the remainder the first chapter of Genesis?
- or-
Is there a GAP of unspecified duration between the initial creation of the universe (Gen. 1:1) and the specified six day activity of God in forming the world to make it habitable for mankind (Gen. 1:3-31)?"

Earth's Earliest Ages
by G.H. Pember
Link to PDF-FILE
The Days of Noah
by G.H. Pember
Link to PDF-FILE